Help for Cats
How do I Take Care of a Colony of Feral Cats?
The very first thing that needs to be done when caring for a colony of cats outside is to make sure that all the cats are spayed and neutered and that any new cats that show up in the colony get spayed and neutered as soon as possible.
The reason spay/neuter is the first and most important step is because it is the best way to stop the overpopulation of cats, keep the cats healthy and happy, and help keep your neighbors happy by eliminating nuisance behaviors.
Caring for a feral cat colony can be rewarding, but it is not without challenges. We have curated our best tips and tricks from colony managers we've assisted in the past, and from our own experience caring for feral cat colonies. Click the link below to find out more. If you can't find an answer to a question, please reach out to us through email or phone 844-336-2287. We are always here to help.